Sunday, May 8, 2011

we loved mac city...

Hello girls...

ipad 2.. and iphone 4 white.. these 2 gorgeous stuffs are in town..
and everyone are crazy bout it.. ^_^  super smart and handy.. *love it*

hubby cannot WAIT any longer to expand our.. oppssss *HIS*.. *apple* friends!!! ahhaaaa..

so, off to mac city...

my BB's camera quality.. getting L**** ahaaaaaa...

hubby dearest.. can i get iphone 4 as an advanced bday pressie??!! *please..please..please*
ahahaa.. too bad.. im NOT an IT-stuff girl.. so my BB is just perfect for me.. 
^_^  or a bracelet perhaps??? pressie ???? =p

smart guitar!!!

and i am so excited trying this!! really cool.. feeling deejay tetibe.. owhhh...
*so daydreaming*

and i like this slim apple lappy.. fits in my handbag nicely!!!

look girls.. slim and light weight right !!!

finally, we made it!!! at the ipad 2 area.. there were too MANY people.. so crowded..

super smart *love it*
but, we prefered to buy it online.. cause it comes with free engraved.. cannot wait for it ^_^ 

then, we went to makan-makan at..

and my favourite steak...yummyyummy...

the best *sedap* mash potato ever!!!

much love

1 comment:

  1. aizaaaaa u make my saliva drops tgk gmbr nk kawin ni tgh strain her pocket dr makan luar mahal2.hahaha.sigh..

    i use apple and android application tp stkt ni rasanya android lg cool.hehe.nasib baik i pun bukan gadget IT person sgt.kalau hubby u dh guna apple u guna android la pulak mintak samsung galaxy tab.woooohooo! ;p
